Heavy Metal and Yeast Overgrowth

As the body becomes inundated with heavy metals, it may run out of places to store it. In this case, the body will deliberately overgrow yeast to create a new storage space. It is with this in mind that one should never simply destroy the yeast when the body is incubating it. First, get checked for heavy metal toxicity to make sure that you won’t be releasing poisonous metals into your system when you destroy the yeast. Removing the heavy metals will cause the body to work to eliminate the extra yeast as it will no longer be needed.
Heavy Metal and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
As the body becomes inundated with heavy metals, the liver works at full capacity to manage them. This is necessary in order to keep you alive. This puts the liver in the situation of having to make some tough decisions when other chemicals and other substances are present. In fact, the liver may be so busy with the metals that it has to ignore the other things. In turn, the other chemicals and substances that the liver is ignoring do not get processed properly. Thus, they remain in their harmful or toxic state. As a result, they will irritate you and cause various symptoms. Physicians call this multiple chemical sensitivities. We call this a toxic body. Remove the heavy metals and the body can return to managing the less offensive chemicals and substances. Indeed, multiple chemical sensitivities disappear at that point.
How do you get rid of metal toxicity?
How do I know which type of metal toxicity I have?
Heavy Metal Toxicity: Related Topics
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