These are two pictures ([1]) taken using dark cell microscopy. As seen in the before picture to the left, dark cell microscopy shows the toxins in the blood and in the cells of the blood as cloudiness. These toxins can consist of anything that a phagocytic cell would ingest. The after picture to the right was taken after the dermal chelation process is done. It shows that the cloudiness is gone from both the cells and he blood. This indicates that the toxins, THMs if present, are no longer in the cells or blood.
Dermal Chelation and Chronic Auto-Immune Disorders
Below are some pictures taken from the same research. The picture of the blood of an individual with a chronic auto-immune disorder is shown twice. The left picture below highlights the excessive amount of protein (yellow arrow) in the blood due to a chronic auto-immune disorder. The picture is repeated with orange and red arrows pointing to the misshapen cells. Notice how dim the white of the outer membrane becomes at the areas of severe damage.
The picture to the left ([2]) shows the blood cells of the same person with the chronic auto-immune disorder after the dermal chelation process is performed. The excessive amount of protein is no longer present. The blood cells appear to be nearly normal except for where there is still some occasional dimming of the outer membrane.
Dermal Chelation and Chronic Auto-Immune Disorders Lacking Oxygen
According to the same research ([3]), the picture below on the right side, shows blood lacking in oxygen with the body, in an acid state and developing anti-bodies to its own tissue as is often seen with chronic auto-immunological disorders. Note the resulting stacking of the blood cells.
Since the dermal chelation process causes oxygen to enter the pores of the feet and, eventually the blood, the blood cells become oxygenated. Note that after the dermal chelation process is performed, there is no stacking of the blood cells as seen in the picture to the right above. The blood cells appear to be almost normal.
As we have shown in the figures of resulting dermal chelation water above and in agreement with our preferred equipment’s manufacturer research results presented above, the resulting water looks very different from one person to the next. The dark microscopy pictures of the blood make it apparent that our preferred equipment is interacting with the body. We hope it is obvious at this point that, with our preferred equipment, there does appear to be specific induction of toxic elements released through the feet.
Resulting Dermal Chelation Water Containing Ammonia, Nitrates, and Phosphates
Understanding Colors and Textures of the Resulting Dermal Chelation Water that Indicates:

[1] Aqua Detox. Scientific Research, The Evidence. 2008;8
[2] Aqua Detox. Scientific Research, The Evidence. 2008;11
[3] Aqua Detox. Scientific Research, The Evidence. 2008;12