Array Cleaning Solution (32 Oz or 1 Gal)
Our Optimum Health Array Cleaning Fluid is formulated with the original Aqua Detox array cleaning formula to prepare the official Aqua Detox System arrays for reuse. The cleaner should be used after every treatment according to the instructions on the container.
Authentic Aqua Detox Arrays:
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
This authentic Aqua Detox Array is made specifically for the official Aqua Detox Equipment. It is made from virgin steel that allows peak performance. When used with the authentic equipment, this array will give you results that match your client’s physician’s diagnosis.
This authentic Aqua Detox array has a 4mm gap around the plastic covering which prevents accidental access to the metal coil while plugged into the detox system. These detox arrays should last 20 – 30 treatments in commercial use, if cleaned and stored properly.
Optimum Health’s Concept of Healing
Primary Wellness Consultations
Total Body Cleanses/Detoxes
Natural Healthcare Center Location
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