Do you have aching joints?
Aching joints can be extremely troublesome. This is especially true if your aching joints cause you to limit your movement. When your joints ache do you reach for the pain killers? In fact, pain killers will stop you from feeling the aching but they won’t help the joint heal. In other words, they won’t help resolve the problem.
Why do I have aching joints?
If your aching joints are a minor problem for your, then you may only be dealing with inflammation. By the time you have severe pain in your joints that causes you to want to limit your movement, your joint may be looking like the joint in the picture. See the white layer covering the bone. That is cartilage. The cartilage acts like a pillow to cushion the tips of your bone. Look at the hole in the cartilage. In the area where the hole is located, the tip of the bone is exposed. Indeed, this can be very painful.
Taking pain killers stops you from feeling the pain. If you don’t also work to heal the joint, then you are allowing the situation in your joint to fester. In the same manner, allowing doctors to give you steroid injections into a joint stops you from feeling the pain without healing the joint. But it gives the joint more time to fester. As a result, you will be headed for joint replacement surgery. This surgery will remove the cartilage from the tip of your bone. Then, metal will be put in its place. YOU DON’T HAVE TO LET THIS HAPPEN! Instead, look for methods that will actually help the joint to heal.
How can I heal my joints and stop them from aching?
Your joints can stop aching when we help them heal! You simply need to fuel your body’s healing processes. Then, help your body remove the arthritic inflammation and toxins that may be irritating the joints. How do you do this?
Fuel the Healing Process to Stop the Pain of Aching Joints
At Optimum Health we fuel the healing process for aching joints by doing a nutritional assessment. The assessment will determine which nutrients are needed. Then, we will recommend the appropriate supplements and dietary changes. In most cases, cartilage is recommended according to how each individual’s body needs it. The body will take the cartilage and actually replace its own cartilage. In this manner, we super charge your ability to heal your aching joints.
Remove Inflammation and Toxins to Stop the Pain of Aching Joints
Your body can remove inflammation and toxins from your aching joints. This can be done with special foods and their oils that have been proven to work. This can also be done with our total body cleanse. Notice that the water turns orange, as you see to the left. This occurs when the body is removing arthritic inflammation. We have clients that are shocked at how much better their joints feel after just one cleanse. Also, our client’s hair analysis indicate the metals present that can destroy a joint. The hair analysis always indicates that the levels of those metals are decreased by this process. Often, the metals are decreased to normal or totally eliminated. These are truly methods that help your body heal!
Try Our Total Body Cleanse…It May Be Your Answer!
When the water turns orange during the total body cleanse as you see above, our clients usually tell us that their joints feel better afterwards. They tell us that the pain has simply disappeared. Their joints stop aching and loosen. One client came back the next evening to state that he thought the cleanse took 2.5 minutes off his 4 mile run. Keep in mind that the water may turn green or have a lot of bubbly foam on it as the other pictures here indicates. This means that your body is working on more than just the joints.
Everyone has a toxic load!
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