Optimum Health

We Help You Feel Good
Optimum Health

Optimum Health

What Causes Autism?

What causes autism?  The facts are beginning to make it very obvious.  Researchers have published many papers indicating that arsenic, mercury and other heavy metals are neurotoxins.  As such, these substances are widely accepted as toxic …

Help Us Help Others

For over two decades now, we have had the pleasure of helping the people that come to  Optimum Health, Natural Healthcare Center heal and get better.  Unfortunately, as a small natural healthcare center, we cannot afford to …

Healing Burns

The video on this page shows that severe burns can heal beautifully leaving normal, healthy looking skin.  In order to do so, your body needs vitamin C to stop the progression of the burn immediately.  Colloidal …


Your diet and your health: At Optimum Health we do not diagnose or treat disease.  Instead, we look for the root of the problem.  We check for symptoms of improper digestion, nutritional deficiency, and toxicity.  When …