Understanding toxin storage mode and toxin dumping mode begins with understanding the definition of the word toxin. A toxin is any substance that your body feels the need protect itself from it upon exposure. In fact, this could be something as wonderful and vital to your body as sugar and salt. Or, it could be something as enjoyable and wine. Why? Because these substances become toxins in the body when ingested in large doses. In this case, the body will do everything it can to remove them and protect itself from their effects. Toxins could also be substances that the body should never come into contact with such as nicotine, mercury, arsenic and lead. The body goes into immediate protection mode with these substances and will try to break them down, coat them for safer handling and/or remove them.
Toxins and the Mother’s Womb
The next step to understanding toxin storage mode and toxin dumping mode requires a look at what happens in the mother’s womb. As you are developing in your mother’s womb, your mother’s blood passes through the umbilical cord into the placenta. The placenta filters her blood before allowing it to enter the baby’s body. Therefore, the placenta prevents toxins from the mother’s body from entering the baby. At one time, scientist thought that this placental barrier offered sufficient protection from nearly all harmful substances. Unfortunately, science has now proven that toxic substances, such as mercury and various toxins from cigarettes cross the placental barrier and enter the babies developing body.
Many of these substances are then stored inside the baby’s body for decades. This storing of toxic substances is what we call TOXIN STORAGE MODE. Though toxin storage mode typically begins in the womb, it continues throughout ones lifetime. At some point in time, it is good to help the body release these toxins. Once the body is primed, it can begin
systematically releasing toxins into the blood stream for removal. We call this systematic releasing of toxins TOXIN DUMPING MODE.
At Optimum Health, we help you ease your body into toxin dumping mode with our total body cleanse process and stay there safely until your body has released what it needs to release. We watch our clients morph back to vibrant states of optimum health.
Schedule your appointment and let us help you push yourself to your optimum health status.
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