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Autism Recovery Testimonials, Page 3

Autism Recovery: G.D., 5 Years Old, India

Autistic ChildG.D. was diagnosed with autism at age 2.  He experienced a steady decline in his abilities.  Notably, he regressed to no recognizable speech.  He would repeatedly run or pace through the house screeching most of the time.  He did not interact socially with others.  Both Applied behavior analysis ( ABA) and C.O.R.E. development program (CDP) yielded almost no improvements after over a year.  He was still on ABA level 1 of 4 after over a year of therapy.

Let the Progress Begin!

Unfortunately, he didn’t experience any changes after his first total body cleanse.  Though this is rare, it does happen.  However, the second one caused him to become calmer, and less  hyperactive.  By his 5th total body cleanse,  the therapists for ABA and CDP noticed that he was more cooperative.  He started laughing. His stimming decreased significantly and the screeching stopped.  Finally, they could see improvements!

After his 12th  total body cleanse, he began using words for the first time since age 2.  Though his enunciation was slow and abnormal, he was talking!  After a few more total body cleanses, he was answering questions and his enunciation was approaching normal.  His school indicated that he was no longer running around the room and playing by himself.  Instead, he began regularly sitting at his desk and participating with the class.  Yes, the progress began!  This is what happens when you address the actual causes of autism.

DermChel+ EquipmentRemarkable Autism Recovery

After 4 months and over 20 total body cleanses to remove the heavy metals, he no longer had significant amounts of toxic heavy metals in his resulting detox water.  As a result, he no longer had toxic heavy metals damaging both his brain and the new stem cells that were trying to heal his brain.  Now, the nutrients given to help his brain tissue regenerate, were finally able to do their job.

Indeed, the changes began to come quickly and were remarkable!  He starting making basic sentences in 3 languages.  What is more, his enunciation was completely normal.  He was stagnant on level 1 of ABA therapy for over a year.  In just a few months, he has been progressing through the ABA therapy very quickly.  He has almost completed level 2 of 4 for ABA therapy.   G.D. speaks three languages, counts to 40 and answers who, what, when and where questions.  He no longer stims, paces, lines things up, screeches or fixates on things.  G.D. accepts change and transitions well from one task to the next.  He cooperates with his teachers and has begun to learn with his classmates in school.  Most impressively, he has learned to operate a cell phone.  He enters the password and  quickly accesses and plays age appropriate games.  His family is very pleased.

As previously stated, most of these changes occurred in the two months following the successful removal of the toxic heavy metals that were damaging and preventing his brain from healing.  At this time, the stem cells that our program stimulates were able to become new brain cells.  This allowed his brain to heal.

If your child has toxic heavy metals, shouldn’t you remove them and see if autism recovery occurs!


Autism Recovery: Olivia, 5 Years Old, UK

When Olivia walked, she did a bunny hop on her toes.  She spoke no words while she cried and screamed all the time.  In order to make a phone call, her mother had to go leave the house so people could hear her.  Olivia’s mother had to keep her close to her nearly all the time unless she was sleep or at school.  Unfortunately, the school system would not allow Olivia to stay at school all day because it was too disruptive.

At her first appointment, the primary wellness consultation, she screamed for the first 20 minutes.  After her feet had been in the detox water for about 15 minutes, she began to calm down.  By the end of the first half hour, Olivia was laughing and hugging her mother.  After the first detox, she walked without the bunny hop!  In a matter of weeks, her school allowed her to stay all day long.  She also began to say single word sentences.  Yes, Olivia is well on her way to recovery.  Her mother is willing to share her recovery.  So, stay tuned as we unfold her autism recovery here on our website.


Autism Recovery: Aziz, 16 years oldAutism Recovery: A.A., 16 Years Old, Qatar

A.A is just starting his journey with Optimum Health.  He and his family were very pleased with his initial appointments at our center.  Unfortunately, A.A had three total body cleanse detoxes with no noticeable changes.  They were not discouraged!  They continued with our services trusting that the changes would be forthcoming as soon as his mercury levels decrease enough.  Well, after a month of detoxing twice a week (8 detoxes), his water began to lighten indicating that the mercury levels were decreasing.  He has begun to improve.  His family is delighted!


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Optimum Health’s Concept of Healing

Primary Wellness Consultations

Total Body Cleanses/Detoxes

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